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Know the Symptoms: Whooping Cough

Whooping cough mum and baby
Whooping Cough Symptoms

Whooping cough spreads very easily. It transfers from one person to another when the infected person coughs and sneezes. On average, every individual with whooping cough transmits the infection to 12 others.

For most adults, it will cause discomfort and present with symptoms similar to that of the cold or flu.

For children and immunocompromised adults, it can be serious due to the severity of the cough. It can lead to severe illness, or hospitalisation. In some cases, tragically it has also lead to death.

For babies under 6 months old, whooping cough can be quite unpredictable and escalate rapidly. It will initially appear to look like a common cold, and can be tricky to pick up on at first. Keep an eye out for the below symptoms.

Hard to Breathe: Whooping cough can make breathing difficult for infants, causing distress. Look for signs like flaring nostrils or chest retractions, pauses in breathing, or change in colour and seek immediate medical attention if you notice any of these.

Vomiting: Babies with whooping cough may vomit due to intense coughing, making it hard for them to keep food down. If vomiting is frequent or severe, seek medical help to prevent dehydration.

Not Eating: Babies with whooping cough may struggle to eat due to discomfort from coughing or vomiting. This may also lead to weight loss due to feeding challenges. Monitor your baby’s feeding habits closely and seek medical advice if they’re refusing to eat or having difficulty feeding.

Exhaustion: Whooping cough can leave babies feeling tired and lethargic between coughing fits. Ensure your baby gets plenty of rest and contact a healthcare provider if they seem excessively tired or lacking in energy.

Getting vaccinated reduces your chances of contracting whooping cough, and can lessen the severity of the illness if you do happen to catch it. If you want to book an immunisation, or are unsure if you’ve received it, contact us today.

To find out more information about whooping cough, visit the links below:


Health New Zealand

Immunisation Advisory Centre

To book a vaccination, call us on 0800 242 200 or use Manage My Health to schedule an appointment with one of our nurses.