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Long Term Conditions

From diabetes to heart conditions, skin problems and more – we partner with you to address those long-term conditions that may be affecting your quality of life.

Offering tailored treatment plans and ongoing support, our goal is to empower you to take control of your health.

    Tailored plans for lifestyle changes, medication, and regular monitoring.
    Heart health management with lifestyle adjustments and medication adherence.
    Overall wellness through preventive care and lifestyle interventions.
    Comprehensive joint care with medication, lifestyle adjustments, and rheumatologic therapies.
    Manage symptoms with personalised skincare, topical treatments, allergen control, and referral to dermatologist for extreme care.
    Respiratory health through medication, rehab, and sleep apnea treatments.
    Compassionate support, focusing on symptom relief and emotional well-being.
    Control blood pressure with lifestyle changes, medication, and monitoring.
    Specialised kidney care through medication, diet, and regular monitoring.
    Stroke prevention and ongoing support.
    Manage with medication, lifestyle adjustments, and regular monitoring.
    Specialised management with antivirals, lifestyle guidance, and liver monitoring.
    Nutrition advice, lifestyle guidance, support, self-management Referrals available to external weight management providers e.g. Buttabean Motivation Programme